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2011Year A 1720 stone house in upstate New York

a pair of cabins in Sedona, Ariz.; and a duplex condo in Chicago. Homes for $400,000

1973Year HAMILTON, Bermuda, Dec. 6&#8212

A pair of Canadian teams pulled away from the field today after 54 holes of the 21st annual Bermuda Goodwill golf tournament. Bermuda Club Golf Led by Canadians

1973Year BLOOMFIELD, Aug. 28&#8212

A pair of carefully manicured patches of green in Watsessing Park here represent the last outpost in North Jersey of the ancient sport of lawn bowling. New Jersey Sports

1970Year PITTSBURGH, Oct. 4&#8212

A pair of Cincinnati Reds from such distant and contrasting points as Lynn, Ky., and Los Angeles sent the Pitts burgh Pirates to the brink of elimination in the National Leazue playoffs today. Small‐Town Pitcher, A Big‐Town Hitter Do the Job for Reds

1939Year Of the fifteen Giants that Colonel Bill Terry tossed into his battle front at the Polo Grounds yesterday, only one seemed wholly aware that it was Doc Prothro's Phillies the Giants were playing. GIANTS BEATEN, 4-3, AS SUHR, MAY DRIVE HOMERS FOR PHILS

A Pair of Close Plays in Yesterday's Game at the Polo Grounds Giants Beaten by Phillies, 4-3, As Suhr and May Drive Homers Lobert Coaching Arnovich Suhr's Play Balks Giants

1964Year HAUPPAUGE, L. I., Oct. 31 &#8212

A pair of conversions by Bob Marshall enabled Hauppauge High to beat Connetquot, 14—12. today.. Article 49 -- No Title

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