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1930Year Still short of 500,000 CENSUS GAIN IN PANAMA.

But Republic Is Still Short of 500,000 Mark.

1957Year on McCarthyism shadow over campaign SHADOW OF 'M'CARTHYISM' OVER WISCONSIN PRIMARIES

But Republican Candidates for His Seat Avoid Direct Attack or Defense A Delicate Game Isolationism Strong

1928Year Work answers Raskob on Smith's alleged support of Underwood tariff law DR. WORK RETORTS TO RASKOB DEMAND

But Republican Chairman Does Not Offer Proof That Smith Declared for Underwood Tariff.CALL DEMOCRATS VAGUEStruggle Over Traditional Policy and "1929 Model" Would FollowSuccess, He Says In Letter.

1920Year Will H. Hays, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, had nothing to say yesterday when asked to comment upon tha offer of Professor Irving Fisher of the Pro-League Independents of $25,000 reward to the person who can convince a jury, all of whom may be Republicans, that the ... HAYS WILL REPLY TO $25,000 OFFER

But Republican Chairman Is Not Yet Ready to Discuss League Prize Proposal. CRANKS SEND IN LETTERS Pro-League Independents Will Ignore Them Until RapublicansTake Up Matter in Earnest.

1930Year V Seymour resigns as asst vice chmn of Repub Sen Campaign Com in charge of Western regional hdqrs SEYMOUR RESIGNS OVER NORRIS ROW

But Republican Committee Official Denies Part in Grocer's Campaign.GOOD OF PARTY STRESSEDNebraska Man Says He Quits ofOwn Volition--Capital Is NotSurprised. Washington Not Surprised.

1931Year Urges Repubs to have natl com meeting to discuss prohibition ECONOMIC ISSUES FIRST, SAYS WATSON

But Republican Drift Is Dry, Senator Asserts--Moses Supports His View. LA GUARDIA FOR WET STAND Seeks National Committee Meeting, Crediting Democrats WithCourage on Prohibition. Party Divisions Similar. ECONOMIC ISSUES FIRST, SAYS WATSON Expects Aid From Better Business. Borah Against "Side-Stepping." La Guardia Warns Party Chiefs. Urges Republican Committee Action. Says South Will Back Democrats. Byrns Criticizes Administration.

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