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Unions Ask 36-Hour Week for Commercial Industry to Raise Jobs by 25%. SLIDING SCALE PROPOSED Plant's Location a Factor in Adjusted Rate Running From 30 Cents to $1.20 an Hour.

1951Year parleys fail

unions ask conf with Min Bevan British Strike Parley Fails

1960Year H S Haddock proposes US-owned ships under flags of convenience be designated Amer ships, HR subcom TRANSPORT NEWS: AN AMERICAN SHIP

Unions Ask Congress to Put 'Runaways' in Category -- Moscow Flights Weighed

1938Year 26 rr laborers killed by bandit gang, Chaparro Hacienda MEXICAN BANDITS KILL 26 IN RAILROAD GANG

Unions Ask Federal Troops to Eliminate Looting Band

1973Year Postal Service on Apr 19 opens contract talks with postal workers' unions

unions ask for substantial increases in wages and fringe benefits; mgt says it must hold line on costs to prevent new rate increase Postal Contract Talks Open

1950Year Truman appts J H Steelman to mediate BRT and conductors 17-mo-old dispute with rrs over pay and hrs

unions ask Govt seize rrs; Sens Morse and Donnell comment RAIL UNIONS URGE SEIZURE OF ROADS; White House Becomes Mediator in Wage Dispute Involving Trainmen and Conductors Emergency Board's Proposal Railroads Called "Stubborn"

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