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1957Year special Fire Dept detail at NYC unit abolished 2 FIREMEN ACCUSED


1940Year 2,000 police assigned for opening 2,000 POLICEMEN SET FOR OPENING OF FAIR

Special Detail Less Than Half of That Assigned Last Year

1973Year Premier K Tanaka pledges Japan will do so

special detail of 100 police is investigating reptd abduction of Kim; case has been linked by press with pol complexities in Korea and among Korean community in Japan; Kim has moved frequently from one Tokyo hotel to another since his self-imposed exile from S Korea, presumably for security reasons; had been scheduled to speak at a public meeting at which he was expected to call for overthrow of present S Korean Govt on day of his abduction; at request of Natl Police Agency, two Koreans who reptd kidnapping will postpone departure for Korea; two men, Yung Il Dong, leader of Opposition Democratic Unification party, and Kim Kyung In, Opposition member of S Korean Natl Assembly, were with Kim when 5 unidentified Koreans seized and forced Kim into room in hotel; Koreans in Tokyo have many theories, which usually reflect political views, as to what happened to Kim; case detailed Japan's Premier Pledges to Press Search for Korean

1945Year ensign flown in NYC during Navy Day 90 West Point Cadets 'at Sea' On Guided Tour of the Enterprise

Special Detail of Sailors Watches the Group to Guard Against Removal of 'Souvenirs' --Navy Keeps Situation Well in Hand

1940Year heavy police guard during closing planned POLICE WILL WATCH FOR VANDALS AT FAIR

Special Detail to Be on Guard at Exposition's Closing

1971Year Newark Police Dept announces formation of special unit in effort to reduce number of assaults on taxi drivers

special detail will assign plainclothes detectives to ride in cabs and unmarked cars; Deputy Police Chief K Melchior comments Newark Police Detail to Try To Cut Assaults on Cabbies

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