To Be Given for Benefit of Nursery and Child's Hospital.
1942Year D Mannes concerts plans MANNES FREE CONCERTS
To Be Given in March on Sunday Afternoons at Museum
1928Year Alice in Wonderland
to be given in N Y C next yr HAMMERSTEIN TO GIVE 'ALICE IN WONDERLANS'; will Offer Stage Version, with Cast of Child Actors, at Christmas--'The Optimists' Due Later.
1928Year Aegyptische Helena by R Strauss
to be given in N Y City HELEN MYTH COMING TO NEW YORK STAGE; Strauss Opera and Jules-Bois Play Based on Egyptian Legend Here in Fall. DRAMATIC WORK IS OLDER "The Two Hetens," First Produced In 1911, to Be Given by Society of Greek Letters and Art.
1928Year To the Queen's Taste
to be given in N Y City NEW TITLE FOR OPERETTA.; Shuberts Sponsor 'To the Queen's Taste'--Based on 'A Royal Family.'
1932Year Villa Franca, by B Mussolini and G Forzano
to be given in Rome NEW PLAY BY MUSSOLINI.; " Villa Franca," of Which He Is Co-Author, to Be Given in Rome.