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1962Year UN groups rept 'striking progress' in land reform since '56, rept prepared for Econ and Soc Council

breakdown by nations U.N. LISTS GAINS IN LAND REFORM; 'Striking Progress' Shown in World-Wide Survey

1948Year 2,435 Gt Lakes seamen register

breakdown by ports 2,435 Seamen Register in Draft

1956Year Natl Harbors Bd '56 rehabilitation budget at $18,214,500, nearly twice '55 budget

breakdown by ports CANADA'S PORT COSTS UP; Harbors Budget Will Nearly Double 1955 Expenditure

1954Year greasy wool exports at 992,087,000 lbs, fiscal '54

breakdown by recipients BRITAIN LEADS IN BUYING; Australia Lists Its Shipments of Greasy Wool for Year

1968Year Gallup poll of Dem county chmn finds that in 3-way race, Humphrey gets 71%, Kennedy 16%, McCarthy 6%

breakdown by region; in 2-way contest, Kennedy gets 41%, McCarthy 38% with 21% undecided; tables PARTY AIDES BACK HUMPHREY IN POLL; Gallup Finds 70% Favor Him for Nomination

1968Year Bldg Owners and Mgrs Assn survey of 2,367 bldgs in US and Canada shows 92.29% occupancy, 6 mos ended May 1

breakdown by regions NEW OFFICE SPACE TIGHTENING HERE; Occupancy Rate at 99.88%, Building Owners Told

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