1971Year NYC Estimate Bd, following testimony by Mrs L Gehrig, M Allen and others who evoked nostalgia for bygone era of Yankee baseball, votes to advance Lindsay adm's plan to purchase and renovate Yankee Stadium
votes to spend $225,000 for detailed engineering studies of needed repairs for Stadium; Lindsay, presiding over hearing, comments on action PLAN ON STADIUM ADVANCED BY CITY
1930Year N.Y.A.C. MAKES PLANS.
Votes to Spend $50,000 In Improving Travers Island.
1956Year Mississippi Sovereignty Comm, set up by Legis to bar Fed 'encroachment' on states rights, votes to hire agents to aid in fight to retain segregation
votes to spend state funds to 'buy' data on integrationist activities; hires publicity dir to explain state stand to integrationists; Comm chmn Gov Coleman comments SEGREGATION UNIT VOTES SPY SET-UP; Mississippi Will Hire Secret Agents to Report Moves in Integration Camp
1951Year People's Pol Consultative Conf backs Chmn Mao program of greater output and more austerity
votes to spur 'donations' drive; cut in budget deficit seen as aim PEIPING TO STEP UP HELP TO RED KOREA; People's Consultative Parley Rubber Stamps Mao Plans-- Spurs Weapon 'Donations' Deficit Reduction Held Aim
1936Year Estimate Bd approves contract for construction of 40th-47th St sec CITY DELAYS RAZING 6TH AV. LINE
VOTES TO START SUBWAY; Board of Estimate Approves $6,040,000 Fund for First Link of Tube. VICTORY FOR DEMOCRATS Tentative Sanction Also Given to Seabury-Berle Plan for Transit Unification. $6,040,000 IS VOTED FOR 6TH AV. SUBWAY
1925Year Union of Amer Hebrew Congregations abandons all outside activities, will concentrate on upbuilding of Judaism HEBREW UNION FOR RELIGION ONLY
Votes to Stop Political Aid to Jews and Work for Up-building of Judaism. REFUSES TO CHANGE NAME Proposal Is Made of $5,000,000 Endowment Plan for Hebrew Union College.