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1941Year CAMP WHEELER, Ga., Dec. 12 -- "Our purpose now is to train men with the constant thought of winning this war at the earliest possible moment," Brig. Gen. A.R. Emery, commanding general of this infantry replacement center, said in an order issued to all units here within an hour after Congress had declared war on Japan. MANY HURRY BACK TO CAMP WHEELER

Soldiers on Furloughs Return Without Orders on Learning Country Is at War


Soldiers on General Maurice Rose Bring Blaze Under Control

1961Year The forty-third anniversary of the organization of the First Army was celebrated yesterday at First Army headquarters on Governors Island. FIRST-ARMY BIRTHDAY

Soldiers on Governors Island March on 43d Anniversary

1943Year WASHINGTON, May 7 -- The War Department made public today the names, with next of kin, of 186 United States soldiers killed in action in the Alaskan, Asiatic, European, North African, North American, Pacific and Southwest Pacific areas and in the Philippine Islands. Those listed from the Philippines had been reported previously as missing in action. ARMY REPORTS 186 KILLED IN ACTION

Soldiers on Latest List Fell Fighting on Eight Battle Fronts the World Over TOTAL NOW PUT AT 5,338 Nineteen New Yorkers, 6 From New Jersey and 2 From Connecticut Named

1942Year German prisoners arrive at Canadian camp from Eng 1,000 NAZI PRISONERS SHIPPED TO CANADA

Soldiers on Leave Are Guards on Voyage From England

1942Year visit Bethlehem and Jerusalem shrines AMERICANS VISIT SHRINES

Soldiers on Middle East Duty Spend Leave in Holy Land

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