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1946Year Mex Pres Avila Camacho lauds US good-neighbor policy SOVEREIGNTY URGED BY MEXICAN CHIEF

Avila Camacho Suggests World Agree Upon Non-Intervention in Rights of Others Stresses Non-Intervention Pledges Full U.S. Payment

1940Year Avila orders land titles given to peasants on communal farms MEXICANS TO GET FARMS

Avila Camacho to Give Title to Peasants Tilling Them


Avila Camacho Will Become Chief Executive in a Brief Ceremony in Capital TENSE CITY IS GUARDED Soldiers and Police Are Posted to Foil Assassins--Cardenas Cabinet in Last Meeting Armed Peasants Join Guards Nazi-Soviet Plot Charged

1943Year Pres Avila Camacho radio s MEXICAN PRESIDENT OFFERS HIS TROOPS

Avila Camacho, on Anniversary of War Declaration, Says They Are Ready LAUDS ALLIES' SOLDIERS Bespeaks a Post-War World Founded on a Basis of Equality of Rights

1944Year Congratulates Pres Avila Camacho on escape from assassination MEXICAN ASSASSIN UNDERGOES SURGERY

Avila Camacho's Assailant in Serious Condition

1956Year CLEVELAND, Aug. 2--The Cleveland Indians, with four home runs, three in one inning, sank the New York Yankees, 4 to 0, today to gain their third straight triumph of the fourgame series after having dropped the opener. Herb Score Takes 4-Hitter, 4-0, As Cleveland Belts Four Homers

Avila Connects in 3d, Ward, Colavito and Carrasquel in 4th Against Yanks Wynn and Lemon Victors Three Smacked Since 1947

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