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1937Year text of notes

Brit view Text of the German Note; Following is the text of the German reply to the British note on the banning of volunteers for service in Spain:

1935Year Sir E Chatfield and Adm Nagano privately discuss question of Japanese parity

Brit viewpoint not accepted; French and Itals oppose Japanese thesis; fear expressed that conf may turn into series of bi-lateral conversations JAPANESE REJECT BRITISH NAVY PLEA; Refuse to Yield on Plan for 'Common Upper Limit' in a Private Talk. PARLEY TAKES A RECESS Delegates Seek a Compromise on Tokyo's Disguised Aim for Equality on Seas. JAPANESE REJECT BRITISH NAVY PLEA

1934Year Brit sympathy lost by Dollfuss

Brit views BRITISH SYMPATHY LOST BY DOLLFUSS; He Is Held to Have 'Sold Out' to Heimwehr in the Move to Destroy Socialists. NAZI ACTION IS FEARED Prospect of Full Domination of Austria by Hitler Is Seen as Considerable.

1954Year comment on Eur Communists use of McCarthyism to split US from allies

Brit views cited Reds Using 'McCarthyism' To Split U. S. From Allies; Britons Work to Counter Partly Distorted European Picture of Senator's Actions

1953Year C L Sulzberger repts US, at Big-3 Bermuda conf, holds Brit-Egyptian agreement on Suez Canal vital to peace in area in view of USSR threat

Brit views noted U. S. to Urge Britain to Settle On Suez Soon to Avert Crisis; Decides to Press for 7-Year Pact With Egypt Covering Administration of Canal Base to Preserve Peace in the Middle East

1946Year pol situation discussed

Brit views on Moslem move to join Govt and on projected independence noted; cartoons BRITISH FEAR FOR INDIA BUT DETERMINED TO QUIT; MOTHER INDIA

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