1954Year 2 executed 2 DIE FOR BRONX MURDER
Slayers of William Hopkins in 1952 Put to Death in Sing Sing
1925Year Transferred from Sing Sing death house to serve life sentence TWO LEAVE DEATH HOUSE.
Slayers of Women Are Transferred to Auburn for Life Terms.
1922Year Vincent Morrelli, also known as Vincent Terranova, whose murder yesterday morning at 116th Street and Second Avenue is said by the police to have been the cause of the pistol battle in Grand Street last evening, was shot down near his home by several men in an automobile, who escaped. GUNMEN KILL COUSIN OF 'LUPO-THE-WOLF'
Slayers Open Fire From Automobile With Sawed-Off Shotguns in Harlem.
1935Year pleas for reprieve lost PLEAS FOR LIFE LOST BY MILLENS AND FABER
Slayers Probably Will Go to Chair at Boston Tonight for Murder in Bank Hold-Up.
1930Year Dies
slayers sought in Ga swamp CHASE BANDIT TRIO INTO GEORGIA SWAMP; Macon Police Seek Slayers of Jacksonville Officer--Believed Escaped Connecticut Convicts.
1925Year Body of 17 yr old girl found burned almost beyond recognition after being shot GIRL MURDERED ON ROAD.
Slayers Tried to Burn Body Alongside an Indiana Highway.