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1965Year Formed by merger of Security-Columbian Banknote and Lanston Indus

W P Hunt chmn, F R Esty pres, K W Smith exec vp Security-Columbian Plans A Merger With Lanston

1929Year C E Kilbourne to command harbor defenses of Manila, P I

W P Jackson will take his place as comdr of 2nd Brigade, Madison Barracks, N Y; other changes KILBOURNE SENT TO MANILA; Brig. General Jackson "Will Take His Place at Madison Barracks.

1941Year W R Bell repts on production, Jan-Oct

W P Jacobs repts on unsold stocks as of Nov 22; denies hoarding by mills 41 CLOTH OUTPUT 20% ABOVE PEAK; Bell Reports '40 Total Passed in 10 Months -- Jacobs Denies Mills Hoard Goods

1954Year D C Menzies elected pres, dir

W P Jones vice chmn Elected to Presidency And Board of Servel

1933Year Bklyn ct orders city officials to show cause why they should not be restrained from awarding contract to Rosoff firm

W P Kenneally, former Alderman, reptd to have appeared on behalf of co ASH CONTRACT SUIT HOLDS UP AWARD; Action on Rosoff Bid Is Put Off a Week -- Case Will Be Argued on Monday.

1964Year Gov Reynolds renominated

W P Knowles wins Repub nomination for Gov; Sen Proxmire and all other incumbent Congressmen renominated; G R Davis wins Repub nomination for HR in new 9th Dist Trouble Seen for Reynolds

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