1936Year On a fifteen-yard victory in the last event on the program, the 400-yard relay, New York University's swimming team defeated City College, 42 to 29, in their annual meet last night in the Beaver pool. C.C.N.Y. SET BACK IN SWIM BY 42-29
Bows as N.Y.U. Team Scores in 400-Yard Relay, Final Event on Program. WEST SIDE SQUAD VICTOR Tops Beavers at Water Polo -- Lavender Boxers and Wrestlers Prevail.
1947Year WORLD CHAMP, Hilversum, Netherlands: Eur zone PACHMAN TOPPLED FROM CHESS LEAD
Bows as O'Kelly, Trifunovic and van Scheltinga Tie at Top in European Play
1931Year PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 14.--A five-goal scoring spurt in the third period enabled the Pennsylvania Military College indoor polo team to de feat the Princeton trio today by 11 to 7 . PRINCETON BEATEN AT POLO BY 11-7
Bows as Pennsylvania M.C. Trio Stages 5-Goal Rally in the Third Period. St. John's Riflemen Repulsed.
1937Year Trinity was toppled from the undefeated ranks today as Connecticut State's power plays prevailed, 15 to 0. Runs by Bayuk, Thomson and Posner brought the first score, the lattergoing over. TRINITY IS TOPPLED BY CONN. STATE, 15-0
Bows as Posner and Bayuk Go Across for Victors-Drive at the Close Fails
1931Year PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24.--Drexel staged a powerful forward-passing attack to overwhelm City College by 37--0 today. The Lavender was unable to get started against its Philadelphia rivals and succeeded in gaining but one first, down during the game. CITY COLLEGE LOSES TO DREXEL BY 37-0
Bows as Rivals Stage Strong Aerial Attack in Game at Philadelphia. KNAPP STARS FOR VICTORS Vance Outstanding on Lavender Defense as Mondschein, EisenbergExcel in Back Field. Score Twice in First Period. Donnelly Intercepts Pass.
Bows as the Italian Ballerina in Tudor's 'Gala Performance' in City Center Program