1961Year J Curran says NMU will seek 30-hr wk to provide more jobs and give members more free time
bars direct pay rise demand N.M.U. TO DEMAND WEEK OF 30 HOURS; Curran Says Goal Is to Get More Jobs for Seamen -- Wage Rise Dropped
1950Year US Appeals Ct rules Thor Corp may distribute appliances in northern NJ area only through Mayflower Industries
bars direct sale to met NY dealers who were served by Mayflower THOR CORP. LOSES FIGHT IN JERSEY; U.S. Appeals Court Bars Sale of Goods in Northern Area Except by Mayflower
1950Year Jordan rejects UN comm bid for direct talks with Israel JORDAN REJECTS U.N. BID
Bars Direct Talks With Israel on Palestine Issues
1976Year Gov Corey moves to 'firmly and finally dose the book' on '71 Attica prison uprising as he pardons 7 former Attica inmates and commutes sentence of John Hill, accused of murdering guard William Quinn
bars disciplinary action against 20 of state troopers and prison guards who had taken part in quelling riot, during which 39 men, including 10 hostages, were killed; 43 persons were killed during entire uprising; por of Hill (M) GOVERNOR PARDONS 7 TO ‘CLOSE THE BOOK’ ON ATTICA EPISODE
1952Year arbitrator rules Local 1478 officials cannot deprive Terminal strikers of seniority
bars discipline without trial SENIORITY UPHELD FOR PIER STRIKERS; Arbitrator Rules Union Heads Cannot Discipline Claremont Wildcatters Without Trial
1955Year US Asst Atty Gen Barnes denies NJ Standard statement that Justice Dept gave anti-trust clearance to 5 US cos in consortium, House subcom
bars disclosing Dept's advisory opinion to cos; Repr Celler placed co's statement in record ACCORD IS HINTED ON A. T. & T. CASE; Barnes Confirms Parleys on Ending Antitrust Sit Over Western Electric Co.