2003Year Howard Dean has repeatedly declared his blanket opposition to privatization of public services during his campaign for Democratic presidential nomination
this is at odds with his stance as governor of Vermont, when at times he went on record supporting privatization; opponents tried with mixed success to use privatization issue against him during fierce lobbying for union endorsements; rivals say Dean is shifting ground to court voters (M) Dean Criticizes Privatizing Services, but His History Is Mixed
1973Year space agency drs, following series of med tests that lasted nearly 8 hrs, rept that Capt A L Bean, Maj J R Lousma and Dr O K Garriott are healthier and in better condition on their return than previous Skylab crew
this is attributed primarily to greater amount of exercise performed by Skylab 2 astronauts in effort to keep their muscles and circulatory systems from becoming too lazy and weakened in weightless environment; drs comment; spider and minnows, which travelled on Skylab, are also reptd in good condition; will be tested and observed for any changes DOCTORS ELATED AT SKYLAB 2 CRE
1974Year 1st in series of articles exploring attitudes of Pres Nixon's supporters in communities around US notes Pres Nixon tallied more than 82% of votes in Holdrege, Neb, and local residents say that if another election were to be held this mo Nixon might do even better
this is attributed to number of things: Repub tradition, too many charges that touch on but do not clearly implicate Nixon, fear of unknown aftermath of impeachment proceedings; certain feeling that propriety and good taste have been exceeded in attacks on 'our Pres' and intense dislike for and distrust of Pres's Eastern enemies; local residents comment; illus of Nellie Johnston; map (L) In Holdrege, Neb., Where Weather Leads Watergate as a Topic, Nixon Is Strongly Backed
1958Year US Labor Dept repts avg teacher pay, June '55-June '57, at $6,555, highest in US TEACHER RISE $480
This Is Average Increase for Two Years in Cities
This Is Back of the Moves In Clothing and Garment Trades.
1973Year FLIMS, Switze??land, Dec. 10 —
This is back‐to‐school week for hundreds of Swiss Ski School directors, and today 91 of them were teaching 847 students from all parts of Europe and the United States the finer phases of the downhill sport. “What we are doing here in Flims, however, ist a kleinen Teil von dem Bild [is a small part of the picture],” said Karl Gamma, director of Switzerland's Ski School Association. “There are now at least 5,000 pupils — about one‐third of them Americans—taking lessons all over Switzerland. Where else? At such other resorts as St. Moritz, Zermatt, Arosa, Davos, CransMontana and Verbier, to mention a few.” School's In for Students Of Swiss Ski Directors