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2002Year Some experts say some of techniques Ernst & Young accounting firm sells to wealthy Americans and their financial advisers to eliminate or sharply cut income taxes should not pass muster in audit and may amount to illegal tax evasion, not legal aggressive tax avoidance, because they hide transactions from Internal Revenue Service

techniques bring huge fees to firm and smaller amounts to lawyers who approve them and banks and currency traders who help execute them; other big accounting firms sell own tax avoidance techniques, including some shut down by Treasury as improper; table outlining technique; photo (M) Big Accounting Firm's Tax Plans Help the Wealthy Conceal Income

1963Year Wallace, I: The Three Sirens Freudian

Techniques Broke Down in Polynesia


Techniques Called Useful in Mitigating Pain -- Role of Patient Is Underscored

1954Year H Schwartz on deputy chief Hao Luyan article in USSR pub reptg Communist China will be 100% collectivized in 10 yrs

techniques cited CHINA'S FARM AIM: 100% COLLECTIVES; Goal Is to Shift 100,000,000 Peasant Families Within Decade, Peiping Says

1998Year Tobacco plant has proved to be ideal for 'molecular farming,' the development of useful new medicines, biopolymers and industrial enzymes through gene-splicing technology

techniques could provide a new outlet for thousands of small tobacco farmers whose livehoods are linked to the precarious future of the cigarette industry; photos (M) Tobacco Can Be Good for You

2002Year Iwao Nakajima passes on to American carpenters ways of Japanese master temple carpenter, known as toryo, who specializes in elaborate carving and joining of temples, teahouses, homes and furniture, largely without nails or glue

techniques date back to 300 BC, began to flourish in sixth century and have all but fallen into obscurity in modern Japan; Nakajima and his students construct garden pavilion; photos (M) A Higher Power, but No Power Tools

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