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1929Year The Graf Zeppelin was approaching mid-ocean last night, well on her way on the first leg of her roundthe-world flight. Favoring winds were speeding her along at about 70 miles an hour and she was heading straight for the Azores. ZEPPELIN FAR AT SEA SPEEDING TO AZORES

At Midnight the Airship Was 1,750 Miles From New York-- Touches 100 Miles an Hour. RUNNING INTO A FOG AREA But Fair Weather Lies Beyond --Change in Course Takes Her South of Newfoundland. Heading Into Fog Area. HEADED TOWARD AZORES. Position, Reported to Washington, Shows She Is on Direct Route. ZEPPELIN FAR AT SEA SPEEDING TO AZORES CROWDS IN FRIEDRICHSHAFEN. Visitors Awaiting Airship's Return Fill Hotels and Lodging Houses.

1971Year BROOKVILLE, LI., July 28 &#8212

At midnight Tuesday, high level officials of the New York Giants finally got the call through. Webster Eases Schedule, Cuts Morning Drill

1987Year LEAD: Bard-a-Thon, a weeklong festival of staged readings of plays by Shakespeare, begins tomorrow at 2 P.M. with ''The Comedy of Errors,'' at the Riverside Church, 165 West 86th Street. The series, presented by the Riverside Shakespeare Company, continues tomorrow night at 8 with ''Macbeth''

at midnight, a second reading of ''Macbeth'' by the group can be heard live over radio station WKCR/FM (89.9). Shakespeare Marathon At Riverside Church

1995Year Whatever else 1996 may bring, the New Year promises one frightening mathematical certainty -- the now famous statistic from the National Council on Aging: starting at midnight tonight and continuing through the year 2014, a member of the baby-boom generation will turn 50 on the average of every 7.5 seconds. That adds up to more than 75 million voters, consumers and employees (boomers make up more than a third of the nation's population of approximately 250 million). The impact of this demographic milestone has been much explored in economic and social terms. But its effects on culture promise to be no less momentous. Could classical music's popularity suddenly soar, as millions of baby boomers finally admit that they don't feel angry enough for rock anymore? Will this notoriously self-absorbed generation remain smitten with its lost youth, as evidenced in the pop music, movies and television shows it favors, or will it confront society's conflicting attitudes toward aging? Perhaps we'll see more starring film roles for performers over 50, in tales of love and other new-found happiness among the middle-aged. (Maybe Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood in "The Bridges of Madison County" were only the beginning.) The New York Times asked six notable people in the arts who will turn 50 in 1996 to reflect on the possibilities. Page 24. COUNTDOWN!

At Midnight, Baby Boomers Start Turning 50. The Arts Will Feel It.

1975Year The, dense, dramatic &#8220

At Midnight” has been a favored Eliot Feld work since its American Ballet Theater premiere several seasons ago. Its dark, moody atmosphere has ordinarily been interpreted with a logical weightiness of movement, but Ivan Nagy, on Tuesday evening at the City Center 55th Street Theater, revealed another facet of the piece. Nagy Reveals a Facet of ‘At Midnight’

1997Year Midseason report on New York Giants

at midpoint of 1997 season, team has 5-3 record (L)7 Defense Propels Giants' Turnabout

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