1980Year ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 26 --In international intrigue, he would be the terrorist. In the underworld, the "hit" man. In warfare, the guerrilla. In anything, the troublemaker. Taveras: Advance Man of Mets
The Go-Go Man Problems, Problems He Loves New York
1977Year Madison Avenue, always in search of something different, should find it next week when young job seekers banded together under the name “
The Go‐Getters” go through a three‐day exercise called Jogging for Jobs. Job Joggers to Use Madison Ave. Track
1956Year ROSES are planted for permanence, so this operation should be done carefully. It is quite true that a rosebush would probably bloom if it is just stuck in a hole in the ground and earth pushed over its roots. PROPER BEGINNING
1951Year A O McCormick on fed efforts Abroad
The Goal at Strasbourg: One Europe and One Army
1997Year SHOP till you drop -- and know that you are doing it in the name of charity. Next Sunday from 6:30 to 9:30 P.M., The Westchester mall in White Plains will hold ''a magical evening of giving.'' Christmas entertainment and refreshments throughout the vast space are part of the attraction, but the main draw will be discounts, some as large as 50 percent, in two dozen stores. Admission to the mall during those hours is with a $5 ticket, with proceeds going to more than 60 nonprofit groups in the county. Money will also be raised through a raffle
the goal is $200,000. Shopping Fund-Raiser At the Westchester
1992Year FOUR years ago a state Board of Education task force described "two Connecticuts" in which 14 of the state's 169 towns have nearly 80 percent of the state's minority population and 90 percent of its low-income residents. The state board urged, but did not require, the other 155 towns to address the issue by promoting school integration.
The Southeastern Connecticut Multicultural Magnet School, which opened on Sept. 9 in East Lyme, came about as a result of that state report. The school, which takes a regional approach to desegregation, is supported by 10 towns and Project Learn, a regional public education service center. Ninety students, 41 percent of whom are nonwhite, currently make up a school of kindergarteners and first graders
the goal is 540 students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The school's budget includes a $500,000 grant from the Federal Government and and $230,000 from the state. CONNECTICUT Q&A;: DICK SPINDLER-VIRGIN; Multiculturalism Is a Magnet School's Draw