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1961Year Hawaiian Panorama

ALOHA, SUSAN! By Helen P. Hoyt. Illustrated by Reisie Lonette. New York: Doubleday & Co. $2.95. For Ages 8 to 12.

1973Year V Aloi, reputed chief of Mafia family of J A Colombo, is sentenced on Aug 7 to 7 yrs in prison for lying to grand jury investigating slaying of alleged gang leader J Gallo

Aloi had denied to jury that he had attended meeting in Nyack apt at which Gallo's killing was said to have been planned; appeal is planned A loi, Reputed Mafia Chief, Gets Up to 7 Years for Lying to Jury

1942Year Kozelsky, Alois UNCLE OF HITLER DIES

Alois Kozelsky, Tenant Farmer in Texas, Critical of Nephew

1945Year A Kroner, local 1 ex-sec, surrenders on charge of stealing local's funds GIVES UP IN UNION THEFT

Alois Kroner, 64, Surrenders in Stealing of $4,000

1929Year Plans for selection of characters PASSION PLAY ELECTION STIRS OBERAMMERGAU

Alois Lang Is Expected to Succeed His Brother in Role of Christus for April Performances.

1947Year Role in Oberammergau passion plays noted NOT THE SAME LANG

Alois, Fined in Germany, Is Not Anton of Earlier Plays

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