1970Year Comment on Watkins Glen, NY, plans for '70 racing season
some innovations noted; illus Watkins Glen's improvements Benefit Racers and Spectators
1989Year LEAD: THE new year is 57 days old and already it's a disaster. Why? Has anyone invented a high-fiber, low-fat, low-carbohydrate, 23-calorie hot-fudge sundae? Or a computer that humans can operate? (Humans whose last technological triumph was mastering a 45-r.p.m. phonograph?) Or a pill to turn cellulite into hair? LONG ISLAND SOUND
Some Innovations We Can Live With
Some Inquiry From Mills -- Increase in Goods Business Expected.
1985Year MODEMS - the devices that allow computers to talk to one another over regular telephone lines - come in internal and external versions. While both versions do essentially the same job, each has advantages and disadvantages, depending on how it is to be used. External modems are about the size of a paperback book and sit on the desk as a separate, or stand-alone, unit connected to the computer's serial port with a standard RS-232C cable and to a power outlet by a cord. PERIPHERALS
Some Ins and Outs of Modems
1973Year NJ Ins Dept proposes plan that would provide incentives to ins cos for voluntarily underwriting about two-thirds of 300,000 motorists in assigned risk category who do not have records of traffic violations or accidents
some ins cos refuse to insure persons, such as artists and musicians, because they consider them unreliable types; dept currently guarantees that these persons are not to be charged excessive rates; under incentive program, which was proposed by Ins Comr R C McDonough, ins cos would receive $2 credit on their assigned risk quota for every $1 of coverage they provided voluntarily State Acts to Aid ‘Assigned Risks’
1967Year Rise in robberies and burglaries makes ins cos wary of issuing large coverage on jewelry especially in upper East Side, Greenwich Village and other 'target' areas
some ins reprs comment Personal Finance; Increase in Robberies and Burglaries Makes Insurers Wary of Some Risks 'Getting Gun-Shy' Personal Finance