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1945Year House of Peers passes decree bill but amendment added making Suzuki's decrees subject to rev by com of lower house

Volunteers Mil Service bill providing for organization of home guard passed JAPANESE PREMIER GETS DECREE POWER; Peers Enact War Emergency Rule--Diet Wins a Sop in Right to Review Steps

1964Year It was moving day yesterday for a shop that sells but never buys, a business run by volunteers as a charity benefit. THRIFT SHOP GETS A NEW ADDRESS

Volunteers Move Well‐Filled Bins to 330 East 59th

1927Year Quardrennial convention, Detroit NEW MISSION POLICY URGED BY STUDENTS

Volunteers Movement Convention Is Told 'Racial Snobbishness' Retards Christianity. CHINA'S NEED IS STRESSED Delegates Plead for Native Leadership in Foreign Fields -- 3,000 From Four Continents Attend.

1950Year Amer Nurses Assn asks 3,000 enlist in Army ARMY ISSUES CALL FOR 3,000 NURSES

Volunteers Needed at Once to Care for Casualties Now Returning to America State's Quota Is 475 Home-Front Nurses Needed

1943Year LaGuardia appeals for nurses aides, NYC HOME-FRONT AIDES SOUGHT BY MAYOR

Volunteers Needed for Battle Against Black Markets and Chiselers, He Asserts DEMANDS PRICE POSTINGS La Guardia Threatens to Place Inspectors in Stores That Flout Regulations

1944Year Maj G F King, Amer Field Service veteran, repts Gers no longer exhibit arrogant confidence in winning war Nazi Bluster Gone, AFS Veteran Notes

Volunteers Needed for Burma-India Area

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