1929Year The immediate effect of the Federal Reserve Board's decision to raise the rediscount rate at New York to 6 per cent, a full 1 per cent advance, was a drastic and effective liquidation of stocks of all sorts, which ... FINANCIAL MARKETS
Stocks Break Widely in Response to Unexpected Discount Rate Advance.
1931Year Some markets moved yesterday in a highly favorable way, but the stock market did not rise with them. Bond prices showed much strength, with United States Government issues still higher and an advance all along the line in foreign bonds. FINANCIAL MARKETS
Stocks Break, After Early Firmness--Agricultural Prices Irregular, Silver Rises Sharply.
1942Year Although the Japanese have overrun the rich tin-bearing areas of Malaya and the Netherlands East Indies, the position of the United Nations with respect to tin for essential military purposes remains less serious than generally had been contemplated. SUPPLIES OF TIN STILL AMPLE HERE
Stocks Built UP by Government in Anticipation of War -- Consumption High SUPPLIES OF TIN STILL AMPLE HERE
1940Year Indus survey, Oct New England Industries Buy Farther Ahead
Stocks Built Up to Insure Continual Output
1925Year The opening day of the last half of the year presented to observers a curious mixture of strength and weakness. Stocks were strong, verging on buoyancy. As a matter of fact, the averages, as compiled by THE NEW YORK TIMES, established a new high record for all time. FINANCIAL MARKETS
Stocks Buoyant and at New High Prices for the Year as Commodities Decline.
1927Year Buoyancy in stocks, steadiness in bonds and a vigorous upturn in cotton were the outstanding features of the first market day of the week. On the Stock Exchange trading got off to a good start under the impetus of the good news of an increase in unfilled orders of the United States Steel Corporation at a time when a reduction of upward of 150,000 tons had been anticipated. FINANCIAL MARKETS
Stocks Buoyant as Money Rates Show Greater Ease -- Cotton Quotations Advance.