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1940Year M M Kaganovitch relieved as Aviation Commissar

A I Shakhurin apptd; 2 assts named; comment SOVIET AIR LEADER LOSES HIS POSITION; Mikhail Kaganovitch Relieved as Commissar of Aviation Industry and 'Transferred' NEW POST NOT SPECIFIED Brother of L.M. Kaganovitch, Confidant of Stalin, Was a Visitor in U.S. in 1937

1973Year Renewed charges that Israel is aiding white minority Govt of South Africa with arms and trade sparks heated and bitter debate on Oct 22 between Israeli and Arab delegates in UN Gen Assembly

A I Teymour, Egyptian delegate, condemns what he terms 'unholy alliance' between South Africa, Rhodesia, Portugal and Israel Arabs, in the U.N., Accuse Israel of Aiding South Africa

1940Year USSR authorizes opening of Vladivostok Consulate Gen

A I Ward named to head office VLADIVOSTOK CONSUL IS LIKELY FOR U.S.; Moscow Reports Say Permission Has Been Given for New Post

1976Year French chefs, over the years, have had a convenient device for naming dishes. It is the phrase &#8220

a Ia mode,” which means “in the style of.” Things called “turquoise” mean “a Ia mode turquoise,” or Turkish style; “antiboise,” in the style of Antibe; “genoise,” Genoa; and so on. It might be thought of as a way of getting off the hook. We take that tack on this page with a menu that might be called “à la mode mexicaine,” knowing full well that the dishes are not more authentically Mexican than El Paso. They are simply good dishes using some of the flavors and staples sometimes found ??? Mexican cooking. Food

1938Year G Van Houten, Ridgewood CC

A Iandoli, North Jersey CC Two Score Acts on Links

1960Year Livingston, (Mrs) Goodhue Mrs. Goodhue Livings ton 'Dies

A ided Civic and Charity Causes

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