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1996Year Baseball Notebook article focuses on role of player agents in baseball's new labor accord

agents, working alone and in teams, used their ties with owners to defuse antagonism of past talks, foster amiable ties and lobby for proposed solutions; photo (M) From Dealmakers to Peacemakers

1930Year Natl Assn of Purchasing Agents, rept for Oct SIDEWISE TRADE TREND SEEN BY PURCHASERS

Agents' Association in Survey, Finds No Gain This Month-- Inventories Low.

1935Year Protests against State fund for workmen's compensation ins PROTESTS INSURANCE BILL

Agents' Association Says It Would Give State a Monopoly.

2001Year Talks aimed at resolving discrimination dispute involving Allstate and more than 6,500 agents and former agents have broken off, and specialists in employment law say they think it is now likely that Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will take insurer to court

agents' complaint centers on decision by Allstate to convert its 15,000-member sales force to independent contractors; by last June, all but 6,500 of agents had become contractors; they were then dismissed and given choice of rejoining as contractors or leaving company (M) Allstate Talks On Dispute With Agents Abruptly End

1938Year Samuel L. Joseph of 740 West End Avenue, agents' counselor of the New York Life Insurance Company, died suddenly of a heart attack on Wednesday in a street car at Vanderbilt Avenue and Fortysecond Street. He was 82 years old. SAMUEL L. JOSEPH, INSURANCE OFFICIAL

Agents' Counselor for the New York Life Company--Dies on Street Car at 82

1964Year Amer Travel Agents Soc sees '64 travel up 10% over '63 to record level RECORD FORESEEN IN TRAVEL IN 1964

Agents' Group Expects a 10% Rise Over 1963

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