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Also Largest on Record for the Month--Increase 2 1/8% Over December, 20% Over 1928.

1958Year Nasser denies any breach with Iraq or Sudan, s, Cairo NASSER ASSAILS U. S. AND BRITAIN

Also Lashes at Bourguiba and Hussein -- Hails New Sudanese Regime Nasser, in Bitter Attack on West, Scores Bourguiba and Hussein

1950Year CHICAGO, Aug. 6--Inflation talk and war news is regarded by many traders and commission houses as having worn itself out, for the time being, as a price making influence in the grain markets. While there was an early advance, it was followed by a rapid decline ... WAR NEWS FAILING AS GRAIN PRICE AID

Also Late Estimates Indicate Heavy Surplus of Wheat, Corn and a Huge Carry-Over Hedging Not Heavy

1975Year ed lauds decision of UN Decolonization Com to wait until '76 to decide on independence for PR

also lauds Amb Daniel Moynihan's ability in handling hostile delegations fueled by Cuba; says when PR wishes to opt for independence, it may do so through free exercise of self-determination in same pattern as its regular free elections; notes PR Gov Rafael Hernandez Colon welcomes UN diplomats to Commonwealth to examine its pol status Good Sense at the U.N.

1974Year ed defends award of Nobel Peace Prize to Eisaku Sato, citing his signing of nuclear nonproliferation treaty for Japan

also lauds award to Sean MacBride for his work in field of human rights The Peace Prizes

1973Year Ed, revg qualifications of candidates for NYC Dem mayoral nomination, Controller Beame, US Reprs Badillo and Biaggi and NYS Assemblyman Blumenthal, endorses Badillo

also lauds Blumenthal; holds it is endorsing Badillo on basis that he will be more likely than any other candidate to 'help bring minority groups into the mainstream of city life' Primary Choice

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