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1933Year Lr charging effeminacy and neuroticism in modern literature Our Literature And Its Effect

Sub-Standard Intellect And Character Are Deplored

1931Year Hearing

sub-surface value cited SUB-SURFACE VALUE CITED AS FARE ITEM; New York Central Appraiser Places Worth of Property Under Ground at 17 %. COMMUTERS' CASE TO END Railroad May Close Plea Today for 40% Commutation Increase-- Company Figures Questioned.

1995Year To the Editor: Re "Now Hear This" (editorial, Jan. 22): The unintelligibility that emanates from New York City subway speakers is partly caused by antiquated and damaged equipment, but the "mumbling by the subway staff" will not be improved by an overhaul or replacement of the public address system. We will just hear the mumbling more clearly. Subway Metrocard Gives Us High Tech Without Advantages

Sub-Talk, Refined

1951Year Caribbean dishes discussed News of Food

Sub-Tropical Foods Are Only Hours Away and Caribbean Visit Can Provide Samples

1956Year Miami Beach AT MIAMI BEACH


1953Year bond offering delayed as State Sen Nichols challenges const OFFERING DELAYED IN MACKINAC ISSUE

Sub-Underwriting Syndicate Is Planned to Market Bonds to Build Michigan Bridge OFFERING DELAYED IN MACKINAC ISSUE

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