1959Year USWA asks Fed ct for 4¢-hr cost-of-living pay rise retroactive to Nov 7
talks recess RISE IN STEEL PAY SOUGHT IN COURT; Union Asks for Cost of Living Increase of 4 Cents Hourly Retroactive to Nov. 7
1946Year 5 hurt and 16 arrested in clash between police and pickets as 20,000 CIO members back strikers as result of Murray plea
talks recessed because of deadlock 5 ARE HURT, 16 HELD IN ALLIS PICKETING; Murray Appeal for CIO Support Draws an Estimated 20,000 in Line During Day
1948Year co and UAWA reptd disagreeing on 1c
talks recessed Chrysler Talks Recessed
1959Year USWA issues econ fact book to support demands
talks recessed for wk FACT BOOK BACKS STEEL UNION PLAN; Labor Offers Economic Data to Support Wage Demands -- Talks Recess for Week
1959Year McDonald holds use of Taft-Hartley Law would delay final settlement, not speed it
talks recessed M'DONALD RESISTS 'SLAVE LABOR ACT'; He Says Use of Taft-Hartley Injunction Would Delay Final Steel Accord
1965Year make new demands
talks recessed NEWSPAPER TALKS MEET A NEW SNAG; Pressmen Make Additional Demands of Publishers