1920Year LONDON, June 16.--The Daily Express in an editorial declares that the League of Nations is dead and that the policy of the British Empire must therefore be revised. In its survey of the situation The Daily Express goes back to the Paris Peace Conference, which it says was dominated by President Wilson. THE LEAGUE IS DEAD, LONDON PAPER SAYS
Without America, Says The Daily Express, England Cannot Shoulder the Burden.
1962Year NO self-respecting baseball expert would dream of begtnning his pursuit of the ball clubs into the terrifying dangers of Florida's heat waves without adequate preparations. Sports of The Times
Without an Asterisk-- The Straddle Force of Example De Luxe Pitching
1996Year INVESTORS in cyclical stocks have already discovered significant relief from the recent slide in the stock market. Although the broader market has fallen nearly 3 percent since its peak in mid-February, cyclical stocks have withstood much of the turbulence. So far this year the Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index has climbed 13 percent, compared with a 5 percent gain for the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index. Because the economic picture has improved, the fortunes of cyclical companies like Caterpillar, Ford Motor and Union Carbide, which typically move in tandem with the general economy, have brightened considerably. Wall Street strategists have gone from predicting a possible recession to arguing about how fast the economy is growing. Market Place
Without an economic cycle, those high-flying cyclical stocks may be in for a hard landing.
1974Year President Isabel Martinez de Peron of Argentina, on her first full working day, pledged to follow the policies of her husband, the late Juan Domingo Peron, “
without an iota of change.” She then announced that the nation's workers would be paid a bonus amounting to a month's wages. Details, Page 9. A New Peron Bonus
1974Year President Isabel Martinez de Peron of Argentina, on her first full working day, pledged to follow the policies of her husband, the late Juan Domingo PerOn, “
without an iota of change.” She then announced that the nation's workers would be paid a bonus amounting to a month's wages. Details, Page 9. A New Peron Bonus
1966Year EAST LANSING, Mich., Nov. 20 Lying forlornly alongside a roadway outside of Spartan Stadium in yesterday's dusk was a bright yellow slip of paper. It had been scuffed and trodden upon, its once bold message empty and unaccepted. It read: "You are invited to the Notre Dame victory party tonight." Article 1 -- No Title
Without an R.S.V.P.