1939Year Watertown DR. GILBERT CANNON
Specialist Practiced 35 Years in Watertown--Dies in Canada
1939Year Dr. Edwin Milton Beery, a specialist in ophthalmology who had practiced in Brooklyn for more than thirty-seven years, died yesterday in St. John's Hospital, Brooklyn, after a three months' illness. Dr. Beery, who lived at 118 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, where he also maintained his office, was 67 years old. DR. EDWIN M. BEERY, OPHTHALMOLOGIST
Specialist Practiced for 37 Years in Brooklyn--Dies in Hospital at 67 SERVED AS CHIEF SURGEON Former Associate Director of the Bureau of Hospitals-- A Native of Virginia
1941Year Michaelis, Julius DR. JULIUS MICHAELIS
Specialist Practiced in Brooklyn for 30 YearsuDies at 66
1936Year Death DR. OTIS H. IVi'LAY
Specialist Practiced in Chicago for Thirty-five Years.
Specialist Practiced More Than 30 Years in Baltimore.
1938Year Dr. Elizabeth Fear Leffingwell, specialist in gynecology, died yesterday at her home in Aurora, N. Y., at the age of 75, according to word received here. ELIZABETH LEFFINGWELL
Specialist Received Her Medical Degree in 1888--Dies in Aurora