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1953Year Slated for post on Civil Service Comm DEAN YOUNG SLATED CIVIL SERVICE HEAD

Columbia Educator Reported Eisenhower Choice to Lead Entirely New Commission

1928Year Dr Dewey s at Columbia Univ DR. DEWEY PRAISES RUSSIA'S SCHOOLS

Columbia Educator Says Soviet Is Making Great Strides in Its Experimental Work. GOVERNMENT ALSO STUDIES Pupils Start Education There by Learning About Their Physical and Social Environment. Most Russian Schools Experimental. Sees Dangers in Extremes.

1937Year Dean C W Ackerman plans study DEAN ACKERMAN SAILS

Columbia Educator to Survey South American Journalism

1966Year OYSTER BAY, L.I., March 26--The New York Athletic Club scored an upset victory over Columbia University, the Vesper Boat Club and the Oyster Bay Rowing Association in a special exhibition eight board regatta that started the 1966 rowing season. N.Y.A.C. Oarsmen Triumph in Upset

COLUMBIA EIGHT NEXT IN REGATTA Vesper Is Third and Oyster Bay Fourth in Event on Mill Neck Creek

1965Year PRINCETON, N.J., April 24 -- Princeton's varsity crew rowed through the white-capped waters of Lake Carnegie today and retained the Childs Cup. The Tigers withstood a bid by Penn and a tremendous effort by a reshuffled Columbia eight to win by a few feet of open water. PRINCETON BEATS PENN ON CARNEGIE

Columbia Eight Takes Third in Childs Cup Regatta -- Tiger Freshmen Win PRINCETON BEATS PENN ON CARNEGIE

1920Year The beginning of the end of the intercollegiate rowing season, which will reach the climax in the next three weeks, will be marked by the departure tomorrow of the first of the crowd that will compete in the intercollegiate regatta on Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, June 19. FINAL TESTS NEAR FOR COLLEGE CREWS

Columbia Eight to Leave for Cayuga Lake Tomorrow-- Yale to Move Today. ELIS GO TO GALES FERRY Harvard Follows to Red Top on Tuesday--Brodil to Lead Blue and White Yearlings at Ithaca.

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