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1950Year non-tenure faculty members group votes to quit in body if any member is ousted for failing to sign loyalty oath

urges Gov Warren refuse to reappt L M Giannini and M Fleishhacker as regents; VP Deutsch comments on issue FACULTY BODY HITS CALIFORNIA OATH; Non-Tenure Unit Votes 300 to 1 to Quit if One is Ousted for Not Signing Loyalty Pledge Cites Policies Elsewhere

1940Year W M Martin Jr urges private capital use MARTIN MAKES PLEA FOR IDLE CAPITAL

Urges Government Policy That Will Make Use of Funds in Defense Financing SPEAKS IN PORTLAND, ORE. Head of Stock Exchange on Tour of Far West--Sees Task as Entirely New

1946Year text of order Text of Order Issued in Veterans' Housing Program Curbing Other Building


2000Year Study by 11 physicists and engineers for Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Union of Concerned Scientists finds enemy capable of launching nuclear warheads at United States could easily fool proposed missile defense system with simple decoys or other countersteps

urges government to delay decision on proceeding with system, expected to cost $30 billion; questions why Pentagon is waiting until 2005 to test whether system can be fooled; Pentagon calls findings premature (M) Experts Say Missile Defense System Could Be Fooled; Ask Delay

1923Year joint meeting of various labor parties in London protest against invasion BRITISH LABOR PROTEST ON FRENCH RUHR POLICY

Urges Government to Dissociate Itself Entirely From Reparation Penalties.

1979Year Editorial says nuclear wastes are not as serious a problem as is commonly believed, both for short and long term

urges Government to resist demand that permanent repositories be opened immediately, saying haste might force a bad decision There's No Hurry on Nuclear Waste

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