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1975Year BOSTON, Jan. 4 (AP)&#8212

State Insurance Commissioner John G. Ryan approved this week$79.7‐million automobile insurance rate increase for 1975 and said it would cost most drivers at least $30 more a year than they pay now. Auto Insurance Rise Backed

1929Year Death CARVILLE D. BENSON.

State Insurance Commissioner of Maryland Dead at 56.

1933Year Despite public misconception there is no magic in the word "guarantee," said George S. Van Schaick, Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York, discussing the mortgage guarantee situation at the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York Thursday evening. VAN SCHAICK TALKS ABOUT MORTGAGES

State Insurance Commissioner Optimistic Regarding the Present Situation. FAITH IN NEW COMMITTEE Says Guarantee Is Good Only So Far as the Guarantor Is Finan- cially Able to Meet Obligations. VAN SCHAICK TALKS ABOUT MORTGAGES

1942Year ins rates cut for A and B cards holders AUTO RATE CUT APPROVED

State Insurance Department Acts After Hearing Here

1950Year NYS Ins Dept approves Home Life Ins rates and policy contracts DISABILITY RATES SET

State Insurance Department Acts for Home Life Company

2000Year Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York has fallen into deep financial hole under leadership of Anthony L Watson, and regulators are investigating lavish spending and clubby atmosphere that seems at odds with HIP's special role in caring for New York City government workers and the poor

State Insurance Department and attorney general's office are poring over financial records, and focusing on Watson's spending on fancy cars and apartments even as HIP's finances dwindled far below amount required by law; critics say HIP's troubles also reflect decisions that were too risky, including expansion beyond insurer's local base; photos (M) CRITICAL CONDITION: A special report.; Expansive Ambitions Dig Deep Hole for Health Plan

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