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1960Year town to repeal 15-yr-old law requiring capital projects financing from current tax collections

bond issue planned PAY-AS-YOU-GO DROPPED; White Plains to Repeal Law Adopted 15 Years Ago

1941Year FPC authorizes merger with Union Pub Service Co

bond issue planned POWER CONCERN DEAL AUTHORIZED BY FPC; Otter Tail to Raise $5,400,000 in Merging Union Public Service

1933Year Tax receipts for May leave deficit

bond issue planned to cover it Paris Plans Bond Issue.

1947Year Syndicate for underwriting refunding bonds terminated

bond issue prices noted Bond Syndicate Winds Up

1938Year Assemblyman Moffat offers bill to authorize State credit for State-wide program

bond issue proposed 100 MILLION ISSUE ASKED FOR HOUSING IN BILL AT ALBANY; Moffat Offers a State-Wide Program for Reclaiming 'Blighted Areas'

1934Year Hearing on budget

bond issue proposed BOND ISSUE PROPOSED.; Mount Vernon Officials to Discuss $1,250,000 Issue for Relief.

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