1969Year Sen Mansfield says Cong Dems will not support Nixon policies indefinitely if they do not achieve peace, s, Washington JOHNSON ASSERTS PARTY HAS SCARS
But in a Letter He Recalls Democrats' Achievements
2000Year Astronomers working on a vast survey of heavens discover the most distant object ever detected, fiery, reddish dot called a quasar that emitted its light less than a billion years after the universe was born
but in a measure of how efficiently telescopes have been plumbing deepest reaches of cosmos, astronomers on project, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, say they could break their own record within days or week as their telescope continues to sweep across sky (M) Sky Surveyors Find the Most Distant Object Ever Detected
1920Year LONDON, Feb. 16.--"Pertinax," the former editor of the Echo de Paris, in the course of a dispatch telephoned from London tonight to his paper, says: 'PERTINAX' REPEATS THREAT WAS MADE
But in a Postscript to the Note Itself, Which Lansing Signed. URGES OPPOSING WILSON Says "His Idealism in the Long Run Spoils Everything it Seeks to Embrace."
1957Year PARIS, June 15--France had a new Government this week
but in a profound sense the political crisis continued. DIVIDED FRENCH CENTER KEEPS CABINETS WEAK; 'YOUR TURN'
1991Year When Joan Brown died last year in Proddaturn, India, killed in a building collapse at the site of an obelisk of hers that had just been erected, the shock people felt was due, of course, to the tragic nature of her death and to her relative youth -- she was 52. But for those who had seen some of her pictures over the years and believed that she was if not a great artist then a great talent, her death was particularly disturbing. Although she had exhibited on and off for over 30 years, Brown died, it seemed, before she had fixed a place for herself in the minds of people involved with current art, let alone the wider public.
But at the Joan Brown memorial exhibition at the Frumkin/Adams Gallery on West 57th Street in Manhattan (through Oct. 23), the circumstances surrounding her death can slip right out of a viewer's mind. Partly this happens because her dealers have made an inspired selection of her work. The 21 pictures are all self-portraits, and they date primarily from the 1970's (the latest is from 1983). Our sense of elation derives mostly, though, from the spirit of Brown's art, which, like a big, rare animal suddenly encountered in a forest, is immediate and sensuous and brilliant but also masked, impassive. You can leave this show with the feeling that you've fallen in love with a girl named Joan Brown
but in a psychological sense you have little idea who she is. GALLERY VIEW; Between Bonnard and Dick Tracy
1984Year MY mother is back in Oregon, and still coughing. I am sorry she's still not feeling well
but in a small guilty corner of my heart, I'm not so sorry, because it means it wasn't my cigarette smoke, or my dusty house, that made her cough in the first place. Mother told me that anyway, several times. It was childish to bring it up; but that's the way it usually goes, between Mother and me. We love each other, and each of us wants to help the other, and more often than not, we wind up at cross purposes. ABOUT LONG ISLAND