1927Year On Pres Coolidge's statement that he does not choose to run
again urges Lowden URGES LOWDEN CAMPAIGN.; Nebraska Governor Sees Opportunity for Farm Belt.
1947Year Allied hdqrs warns of import cut
again urges maximum use of indigenous supplies JAPAN MUST FACE FOOD IMPORT CUTS; Allied Command Says Supplies Must Be Curtailed Because of the World's Shortage
1966Year ed urges intervention by internatl union and Bldg and Construction Trades Council to end strike
again urges Meany intervention; scores gross econ power held by bldg trades unions Still No Plumbers
1965Year Johnson repts Taylor will return Mar 28 for routine talks, news conf
again urges N Vietnamese not to support Vietcong, assures them there is no threat to their Govt; reiterates basic provisions of US commitment in S Vietnam TAYLOR DUE IN U.S. FOR CONSULTATION ON VIETNAM WAR; Johnson, Announcing Visit, Again Asserts Hanoi Holds Key to Peace
1967Year Goodman repts 20,000 income tax refunds delayed for checking of errors will be paid in next several wks with interest
again urges NYS adm tax City to Pay 20,000 Tax Refunds Plus Interest Within Few Weeks
1922Year NEW CONCORD, Ohio, July 7.--Bits of Harding philosophy were revealed today when the President responded to the award of an honorary degree by Muskingum College, the institution with which Ohio Central College, where Mr. Harding studied forty years ago, is now merged. HARDING UPHOLDS OUR SOCIAL ORDER
Again Urges Obedience to Law in Receiving Degree From Muskingum College. PRAISES SMALL COLLEGES He Predicts Continued Chaos in Russia So Long as Soviet Principles Are Supreme. Predicts Continued Chaos in Russia. Prefers Smaller Colleges. Up to America to Stabilize.