1930Year Illus of new home REPORTED ABOUT ROADS
To Newport via Mount Hope Bridge--Conditions in Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania--Other Highway News To Chautauqua Lake. Massachusetts Roads. In Pennsylvania. Conditions in Maine. Through the Rockies. Driving in Colorado.
1956Year An assertion that "the public's honeymoon with television is over" was made last night by Ernest Jones, president of MacManus, John Adams, advertising agency that has sponsored a number of video programs for such clients as Cadillac, Pontiac, Dow Chemical and Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing ("Scotch" brand tape). News of Advertising and Marketing
To Newspapers Noah's Ink New Business People Notes
1954Year Marcus, D: To Next Year in Jerusalem 'Always In Exile'
TO NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM. By David Marcus. 298 pp. New York. St. Martin Press. $3.50.
To night, Cherry Lane, 38 Commerce Street, 7:30. A revue by Ephraim Kishon. OPENINGS
1990Year LEAD: The West German painter Georg Baselitz gained fame in the United States in the early 1980's for his strident paintings of inverted figures, canvases whose loony arbitrariness abstracted the world by simply turning it on its head. Generally grouped into the Neo-Expressionist category, his paintings earned a mixed response
to no extent did Mr. Review/Art; The Burden of Isolation, In Baselitz 'Hero' Paintings
1955Year More than seven hundred years ago the barons of England extracted from their king at Runnymede a Great Charter, which included in its fortieth paragraph the solemn promise: "To no one will we deny justice
to no one will we delay it." Thus in this fundamental guarantee of human liberty the delay of justice was put on the same level of proscription as its denial. DELAY OF JUSTICE