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1920Year WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.--Although criticising the present Shipping Board and its personnel, for alleged waste and mismanagement, Philip Manson, President of the Pacific and Eastern Ship Company, New York, appearing today ... MANSON HITS SHIP BOARD.

Charges Waste, but Favors Federal Operation of Merchant Fleet.

1948Year US scores Brit timber-cutting practices in Ger

charges waste; Brit reply; Ger protests against devastation of forest reserve recalled U.S., BRITAIN CLASH ON GERMAN TIMBER; Americans Say That Cutting of Trees May Impair Plan for Exports in Future

1970Year City to ask FPC to reverse decision granting construction license to Con Ed for Storm King plant because it will endanger city's water supply City Seeks to Bar Con Ed Plant

Charges Water Supply Threat

1941Year in lr to J L Fly, FCC chmn, protests G Watson's apptmt as foreign broadcast analyst

charges Watson has been propagandist for communism and USSR; assails influx of other alleged Communists into Wash D C DIES SAYS CAPITAL HAS INFLUX OF REDS; Protests to Fly of the FCC on Putting Goodwin Watson in Foreign Broadcast Post

1947Year Yugoslavia scores GB and US for refusing to renew hearing on claim to Carinthia YUGOSLAVIA ACCUSES U.S.

Charges We and Britain Plan an Imperialist Base in Austria

1940Year assailed by Madrid Arribe SPAIN ASSAILS HULL PLAN

Charges We Seek Latin American Aid in War Against Europe

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