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1926Year Judge Taylor argues apeal on Simmons's case

calls laws unfair BAUMES ACT UNFAIR, TAYLOR TELLS COURT; In Plea to Appellate Division He Asserts That It Makes 'Automatons' of Judges. BACKS LAW IN GENERAL Says Henry George Once Held Up Man for $2, in Declaring All Prisoners Are Not Hopeless. BAUMES ACT UNFAIR, TAYLOR TELLS COURT

2000Year Ralph Elliot, lawyer for Greenwich, Conn, in dispute over Brendon P Leydon's lawsuit to overturn residents-only beach policy, inadvertently insults New Jersey in brief submitted to court

calls lawsuit attempt at 'jerseyfication' of beaches, invoking images of boardwalks and tacky Jersey Shore honky-tonks; spokesman for New Jersey Gov Christine Todd Whitman defends Jersey Shore and what he calls 'cleanest beaches in America'; photo (M) Greenwich Cites Fear of 'Jerseyfication' in Beach Dispute

1980Year WASHINGTON, Aug. 26--The director of the Census Bureau held out the possibility today that 1980 census figures could be adjusted for an undercount when it comes to such uses as allocation of Federal funds. Census Head Indicates '80 Figures Could Be Adjusted for U.S. Grants

Calls Lawsuits Premature


Calls Lawyers' Report on Raids Part of Plan to Defend Post.

1940Year Defends New Deal adm of Soc Security Act CORSON CONTRADICTS DEWEY ACCUSATION

Calls Laxity Charge Unfair and Gives Figures

1956Year M Strickland, leader of Progressive Const party, sues Gov Laycock and comrs named to hold referendum to test plan to send 3 reprs to Brit Commons as part of Govt reorgn

calls Laycock order fixing dates unconst; move marks 1st time Gov is summoned to civil ct MALTA VOTE OPPOSED; Legality of a Plebiscite for Regime Shift Challenged

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