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1966Year A day of moderate trading in most commodities was highlighted yesterday by heavy losses in soybean and grain futures on the Chicago Board of Trade. Commodities: Soybean and Grain Futures Hit by Heavy Losses on Chicago Board

BIG CROP YIELDS TERMED A FACTOR Data on Crushings and Fear of Lag in Export Buying Also Cited in Declines

1949Year The downward movement of food prices from their all-time highs of last fall seems to have developed enough momentum to assure continued declines at least for the next few months. DROP IN FOOD PRICES IS LIKELY TO CONTINUE

Big Crops and Consumer Resistance Presage Fall in Coming Months

1929Year Farms give way to oil wells KANSAS POLITICIANS SEEKING NEW ISSUE

Big Crops and Oil Production Ruin Effect of Old "Farm Relief" Rallying Cry. HIGHWAYS ONLY POSSIBILITY Governor's Road Program May Be Means of Arousing Voters-- Farm Life Improving. Then There Is Oil. Indians Hold a Fair. Towns and Farms Cooperate.


Big Crops and Stocks of Food Obviate Need for Such Controls, Experts Say Some Early Shortages Seen Heads Pharmaceutical Group

1922Year MOSCOW, July 31.--A Communist Conference of great importance will open in Moscow the latter part of this week. It will be attended by delegates--Presidents and Secretaries--from all the Provinicial Communist organizations throughout Russia and the Ukraine. Although ... RUSSIA EXPECTS POST-HARVEST BOOM

Big Crops Are Counted On to Spur Purchases at Nizhni Fair, Just Opening. ECONOMIC TEACHING NEEDED Communist Conference This Week Is to Educate Provincial Leaders in the New Policy.

1952Year US will support prices at $2.50 a gal U. S. TO SUPPORT OLIVE OIL

Big Crops Bring Low Prices and Federal Funds for Growers

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