1934Year NOTTINGHAM, June 11 (Canadian Press). -- Unless the bowlers gain complete mastery on a crumbling wicket, the first of the season's five classic test cricket matches between England and Australia likely will end in a draw tomorrow. AUSTRALIA LEADS IN TEST CRICKET
But England Is Likely to Earn Draw Today Unless Bowlers Gain Mastery of Wicket. CROWD OF 30,000 ATTENDS Tourists Get 159 for Three in Second Innings After Rivals Tally 268 in First Frame.
1965Year LONDON, April 10 (Reuters) -- England, battling with nine men for part of the time, held Scotland, the favorites, to a 2-2 tie today in the final match of the international soccer championship before 100,000 at Wembley Stadium. 100,000 SEE SCOTS GAIN SOCCER TIE
But England Wins Title on 2-2 Draw at Wembley
1954Year US retailer F J Lazarus repts on tour RETAIL BUSINESS IN EUROPE 'GOOD'
But England, France Have Shown Easing Lately, Says Federated Stores Head
1948Year R Button sets pro price `Fabulous' Offer Would Induce Button to Turn to Pro Skating
But Englewood Youth, After Capturing His Third National Title, Doubts That 'Anyone Will Meet My Price'
But English Advices Report Operation to Selling Combination.
1926Year G Frankau thinks actresses superior to English, but actors poor PUTS OUR ACTRESSES FIRST
But English Author Rates American Actors as Incredibly Bad.