1926Year Cites possibilities of rubber production in Philippine Is, in bill to separate Moro Provinces from Insular Govt URGES PHILIPPINES FOR RUBBER FIELDS
Bacon Discloses the Purpose of His Bill to Make Moro Islands Separate.
1937Year S at Bacon Acad commencement MALTBIE ADDRESSES ACADEMY GRADUATES
Bacon Exercises in the Historic Church at Colchester, Conn., Marked by Essay Awards
1948Year Two backs, Frank Wenner and Harry Forbes, shared the Everett Bacon Cup that annually goes to the outstanding individual of the Wesleyan football team at the presentation ceremonies last night during the 1948 Victory Dinner given by the Wesleyan Club of New York at the Downtown A.C. TWO GET WESLEYAN CUP
Bacon Football Award Goes to Forbes and Wenner, Backs
Bacon Has Net Score of 140 In 36Hole Golf Match at Oakland.
1959Year cell demonstrated, Cambridge
Bacon illus with cell; engineers agree cell provides possibilities for noiseless transport; Brit rept new cell under development that can run on almost any combustible gas; uses air instead of pure oxygen and operates at atmospheric pressure BRITISH FUEL CELL RUNS A LIFT TRUCK; Apparatus using Hydrogen Yields 7 H. P. -- Another Type Under Study
1968Year Pork bellies replace corn as most actively traded commodity on US mkts Bacon in Rough Is Biggest Trader
Bacon in Rough Takes First Place in Trading