1939Year Amer Jewish Joint Distribution Com work hailed by Gov Lehman WAR RELIEF WORK PRAISED BY LEHMAN
Address Read by Governor's Wife Before Jewish Joint Committee Cites Aid to AllWITHOUT REGARD TO CREEDProblem of Helping Victims Isa 'Problem for Humanity andCivilization,' He Says
1935Year Urges extension of trade with Latin Amer
address read on internatl broadcast TARIFF CUT URGED FOR LATIN AMERICA; Iglehart Finds United States Injuring Valuable Trade With Non-Competitors.
1941Year LONDON, Sept 14 -- The City received President Roosevelt's speech with greater satisfaction than any of his previous declarations. The financial markets expressed their opinion with a display of buoyancy not experienced in a long time. ROOSEVELT SPEECH SATISFIES BRITISH
Address Said to Have Fulfilled Highest Expectations of Financial London
1933Year Outdoor Cleanliness Assn gives dinner in his honor
address SAY STREET LITTER COSTS CITY BIG SUM; Mulrooney and Dr. Schroeder Remind Public Cleanliness Would Aid Taxpayer. RUBBISH BOXES URGED Police Head Honored at Luncheon of Anti-Litter Group -- Grimm Praises O'Brien Program.
1932Year Hoover plans s at Detroit PRESIDENT CHOOSES DETROIT FOR SPEECH
Address Set for Saturday Night -- 'Back Platform' Talks Are Planned En Route. COAST TRIP IS CONSIDERED Alternative Is a Third Dash to Middle West Oct. 29, Then Eastern Appearance. PRESIDENT CHOOSES DETROIT FOR SPEECH
1926Year Statement by Regional Confed of Labor in support of Pres Calles's religious policy and denouncing economic boycott addressed to Mexican Chambers of Commerce LABOR MEN FIGHT BOYCOTT.
Address Statement to Chambers of Commerce of Country.