1934Year Would make 60-day strike notice mandatory 17 MILLS OPENED, SILK HEAD REPORTS
Van Horn Gives This Figure as the First-Day Response in Drive Among Owners.
1946Year UMWA Journal and Van Horn lr reply to LaGuardia's request
Van Horn repeats operators' stand on welfare fund; strike effects on other indus noted NO COAL NOW, UMW TELLS LA GUARDIA; Union Editor Informs UNRRA Chief in Plea for Tonnage, 'Miners Don't Own Mines' Operators Blame UMW More Jobless in Utilities
1934Year On organization of N Y C code authority conf FORMING CODE GROUP.
Van Horn Requests Data Needed to Organize Conference.
Van Horn, Jossi Also Triumph in Pro Tennis at Chicago
1945Year Headed by Welby Van Horn and Vincent Richards, ranking tennis stars will appear tonight in a program of matches at the Sixty-ninth ... BENEFIT TENNIS TONIGHT
Van Horn, Richards Head Cast at 69th Regiment Armory
1934Year Van Horn appeals to 34 mayors for protection of workers ASKS PROTECTION OF LOYAL WORKERS
Van Horn, Silk Code Chairman, Sends Appeal to 34 Mayors in Six States.